Sunday, January 27, 2008

Day 13: Kenpo Redux (Tony Horton is no Miyagi!)

Love the Kenpo. Awesome workout and I love the vocal Olympics that you get to do. It's like being a kid watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all over again. I was better at some of these drills this time and I was really into it.

My only complaint is that Tony Horton rushes you into things. I'm sure I'll appreciate it in the third month, but I got lost on a few exercises early. I especially was waiting for Tony to ask me to wax my car before trying the "Star Blocks." It was ridiculous. If Mr. Miyagi were my teacher, I would have surprised myself at how quickly I had mastered the art of the multiple block. As it is now, I am screwed if I get a bunch of Ninjas attacking me from different angles!

I really felt this workout later on in the evening. My arms and legs were dead tired later on this evening. I Like the Saturday workouts a lot!

Stretch on Sunday and a week in review! I'm excited to beginning my third week.

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