Sunday, April 13, 2008
DAY 90: I DID IT! HOLY P90X, I DID IT! (Finishing the Home (X) Stretch!
With "X Stretch" in the books, I officially completed all 90 days of P90X.
It was fitting to end with the X-Stretch, which was the biggest surprise of the program. It was both enjoyable and beneficial. I am so glad that I never skipped the stretching. An awesome routine that I will turn to again and again no matter what workout I am using.
Quick thoughts:
I'm stronger. Still not a guy you are going to be intimidated by, but I can lift heavy objects if needed. And I'd be ready to bring my Kenpo on in a New York minute if surrounded by attack Ninjas!
I lost 13 lbs.
I feel great. I look as good as I have looked in years (not just according to me!).
I have kicked my Dr Pepper addiction (although I will still drink it, just not as constantly!)
Anyway, that is just a quick summary. But I am really excited about the fact that I committed to the program and I did every single day without missing a single workout.
I will probably take a few days, maybe even a week off, but I will be back to working out soon. I needed to prove that I could do this program and I did it.
Bring it!
I'll take my "Post Test" and post the results (and compare them to the pre-test) as soon as I figure out when I should take it. Tomorrow? Tuesday? Any suggestions? I guess I can look it up in the manual!
Day 89: Yoga Finale. Namaste.
I am more flexible.
I am stronger.
I have a solid core.
I have better balance.
I have mental durability.
Thank you, Yoga X.
My last real workout was excellent. I improved the one leg/half moon leg killer. (Thanks for the tip , Jeff! My leg was still dead and I had to take a break, but only one on each leg. It was intense, but satisfactory.
I rocked the balance postures.
I was almost perfect with Crane.
My hamstring flexibility was excellent. I could completely grab the Yoga block (horizontally- not vertically) without having my legs bend even the slightest.
I did "Ohms" as long as Tony!
Yoga, I'll appreciate a break from you, but I don't hate you!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Day 88: Wow. Core Synergistics is Tough!
I really feel great after completing this workout (and there is no Ab Ripper to intensify the torture!) and it ranks up there as one of my favorites.
Fuelled by my Rangers win against the hated Devils I pumped myself up to "bring it" for the last resistance workout. I found that I was doing more reps than the allotted time, so I had to keep pushing pause for more than one reason (usually it's to catch my breath, which happened a few times today). Either I got much stronger, I have a strong core, or I am doing something wrong. Hmmm. I'll go with "A" Regis? B? C?
I'll just call it a good workout and leave it at that.
Keep Bringing it!
(Holy crap! I only have one more workout and one more stretch! Yahoo!)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Day 87: Midweek Stretch
As much as I feel like the last week should be a all out, no holds barred (Don't actually know what that means) kick a** routine, I just love the midweek stretch.
I broke the 170 lb. barrier today. I am officially at 169.8. Not that I had any kind of desire to get much lower than 170, it's nice to know that I am still losing weight during the recovery week.
Anyway, Three days left and then I have to figure out when I will do the Fitness test and take my pictures (don't talk to me about posting them, there are technical difficulties at this time!)
Keep Bringing It!
Day 86: Sigh. Last Kenpo. So Sad. (Updated)
I was exhausted from work, had to go out two hours after getting home, so I forced myself to bring it in that tiny window. It was awesome. I had a second wind and although I had fantasized about collapsing on my bed, the energy I got from this workout was awesome. I will turn to this Kenpo DVD on my own (even without a schedule telling me to do so, which is strange, since I am basically a slave to the schedule right now!)
I want a punching bag or one of those blocking dummys they use for football and karate. Punching is fun, but I'm sure it is even more fun to actually feel the result of your power punch/kick!
I am so pumped that it is the last week and I have made it thus far!
Keep Bringing it!
UPDATE: I thought of this while doing the Hamstring stretches before core Synergistics today (Friday). Of all the routines, why is Kenpo the only one that doesn't do the split leg Hamstring stretch as a warmup? It's the only time in any of the vids that he actually says "Be careful of your hamstrings!"
Just a thought!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Day 85: Core Synergistics: Back to Reality!
I am back down to 170 lbs.
This is good.
Anyway, Here is my take on my third week of Core Synergistics:
I kind of had this lurking feeling that the workout was a lot harder than I remembered it, but I wasn't sure until the first routine and then it was like getting kicked in the stomach (literally!).
I had pretty good intensity, but I probably didn't "bring it" in the "Banana Rolls" and "Banana-Superman"
Using Dumbbells in this routine was interesting. In some regards, I felt more of a burn using the bands. But any iso-hold benefits are outweighed (pun intended) by more weight and speed of transition between drills. "Lunge and Reach" felt cooler when I used the bands, but I ended up pausing and rewinding every freakin' time I had to switch. This way, I could keep up with the demonstrators the entire time and I got a much deeper, more cumulative burn. But for most of the drills, just using the 10 pound weights were a major upgrade over the 3 pounders I had been using. They were a little bulkier and the "Lunge-Kickback-Curl-Press" was tricky navigation in my small workout space, but an incredible burn overall!
I was more annoyed than usual with the video cutting. It's almost like the cameraman is suffering from adult ADHD and has downed 27 Nodoz and chased it with a 12 pack of Red Bull to meet a deadline. "Hey-hey-Tony-I-think-you-are-going-to-love-this-editing-I-did-I-got-everyone-in-it-just-like-you-wanted-and-I-made-sure-not-to-cut-any-of-your-jokes-do-you-want-to-feel-my-muscles-huh?-Please?"
Enough of that. Speaking of caffeinated beverages. The reason I am still awake is that I made a slight error in judgement during the workout. I ran out of water and I wanted something with a little taste. I had a 16 oz. bottle of water and a little packet called "Spark" which I had snagged from the "Tea" box at work. I thought it was a falvor enhancer, since it was labeled "Cranberry". I must say these things are impressive, as it turned the entire contents of the water bottle red in about 2 seconds. I didn't read the fine print around the word "Spark": "Morning" and "Caffeinated Drink Mix".
Yeah, as a caffeine addict, I realized my error almost immediately. It did give me a little energy. But it also made me feel a little full while working out and I am currently watching Lewis Black's "Root of All Evil", which is hilarious by the way.
Anyway, I'm down to one Kenpo, two Stretches, one Yoga and one more Core Synergistics. Yeah!
Keep Bringing it!
Day 84: Yoga: Early in the Week, Late at Night...
I did much better in many of the poses, but I took a lengthy break in the middle and it messed up my concentration. As tempting as it is to take a break between each of the half hours (you can tell I wasn't up for it at all tonight!) I think it is a bad idea. You need to commit to doing the 90 minutes and do it all at once.
I still wish Tony was better at verbal cues. If you aren't watching, you can get behind. Several times he is talking and the camera is on someone else ("I choose to not do a push-up!" and then we are watching someone else!) or he says he's going to tell us when to "go" and then he never does. It is especially annoying during the torturous "Yoga Belly 7" when he doesn't tell you when to pump it up, you have to watch the clock.
Anyway, I haven't worn my heart rate monitor during Yoga. It is one of the Polar models that beeps at you when you aren't in the "zone" so I figured it would be below "moderate" most of the time and would defeat the purpose of Yoga. But I am interested in knowing how hard my heart works durng yoga, so I might try it and see if I can turn off the alarm.
Keep Bringing it!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Week 12 Review: Holy Cow, I'm almost done!
But it really doesn't seem that long ago when I was wondering how I was going to survive the first workout, let alone 13 weeks worth of workouts.
What I learned this week:
The videos are just as infuriating to "learn" how to do the moves correctly for the dumbbell set as they are for the Band Camp. (Not always, just some times).
The Dumbbells are a much better and far more accurate way of building muscle and tracking your progress. I wish I had done the whole program with these, but I am motivated to use them now that I have such a cool (and convenient space saving) tool.
My stomach is always bloated at night. This is weird. I can't figure it out. I'm not eating that much (definitely not enough) but I always wake up feeling skinny and go to bed feeling , well, not exactly fat, but larger.
What's up with that?
I also wish that pictures were taken after a resistance workout. It looks like it will be taken after a recovery week, but I love my biceps after they've been pumped up. I look much more ripped. Anyway, I'll probably do a few reps before day 90 Picture day, or is that cheating?
I can't believe I am in my last week. I am very proud of my accomplishments thus far and I feel I was able to "Bring it" for the entire 90 days. I didn't have a ton of weight to lose, but my pants fit better and I am stronger. I look much better (more like I was three years ago) and have never eaten as healthy in my life.
I'd say it has been a successful program overall.
More tomorrow! Keep Bringing it!
Day 83: Coming into the Home STRETCH! (X)
I'm worried that I will lose all my flecibility if I don't maintain a good stretching schedule when I am not doing P90X. I'm definitely getting older, and although I am proud of the fact that I ahve increased my flexibility to the point of my younger days, I wonder if it will be even harder to get it back each time I "lose" it.
A good philosophical question.
My next challenge will be to decide if I want to maintain a dedicated, intense schedule like P90X or something like what a reader suggested (Turbo Turbulence). It's worth exploring!
Have a great week!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Day 82: Kenpo to the Max!
Saturdays continue to be my favorite day (besides the fact that I can sleep in) because Kenpo is such a fast and enjoyable workout.
I think my intensity and my form was pretty good. I did get a little sloppy in the end, but I made myself stay in the Horse Stance for the duration and resist standing upright a bit during blocks and punches.
I still don't know if I could actually punch anyone, but I feel pretty confident that I can protect myself if needed. Of course the reality that another fist would be coming towards me might make me a little less confident, but for now I am a legend in my own mind!
I am pretty sore today. I've been using the Recovery Drink and my Whey Protein Isolate after every workout but I'm still sore. I think it's because of the Dumbbell switch. Worth it, though, and there is something to be said for feeling like you worked out.
Week 13 coming up! Keep Bringing it!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Day 81: Last Legs and ab RIPper x
I upped the weights with my new dumbbells and it made the workout more intense. I hit 34 Chin Ups and I was able to use weights in some exercises that wouldn't work with bands. I am seriously spent right now, but I am tired of falling behind in my blogging, so I will get this done before midnight if I have to type with my toes.
Tomorrow is Kenpo and then I am set for the last week.
I won't be mourning Ab Ripper, I'll tell you that!
Keep Bringing it!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Day 80: 10 More Days and I'm Done with Yoga (er, for a few weeks!)
My balance problems weren't there this time. I rocked the Tree Pose and the Toe Lock. I even did the Crane for most of the 60 seconds.
I still can't do the Half-Moon for the entire time. My leg starts rebelling and threatening to collapse completely and not let me go to work tomorrow after about a minute. I don't know how they do it on the video.
Anyway, I'm pumped for the final ten days and I can't wait to be able to say I brought it for 90 Days straight!
Keep Bringing it!
Day 79: Back and Biceps a la Dumbbells!
The annoying thing about this vid is that the video cuts sometimes make it impossible to watch the correct movement without constantly rewinding. Tony does one rep, and we mostly see his face and then the last part of the rep and then he's getting up to "check on the kids!" The we watch the others do the routine, but we always either get it at the end of the routine or as they are switching. Bad timing, adn I didn't notice it as much when I was doing the bands because Tony usually does an okay job at expaining the bands (at least most of the time, there are obvious gaps).
I struggled with the pull-ups as the callouses onmy fingers are killing me. The gloves I have for the dumbbells and the pull-ups helped a bit, but I still feel it ripping my skin.
Again, most of my weights went down because of my over-zealous estimations, but a few of the weights were pretty close and I was able to push it up a bit. My reps went down as I was dealing with heavier weight. It doesn't look like progression on my Spreadsheet but I know I was bringing it with more weight. I went less for "lean" (12-15) and more with "mass" (8-12).
I did one-armed push-ups on my knees as there was no way I could do it otherwise. I vow that I will be better the next go around, but I can't fathom how I'll manage this.
It was humbling to only be able to do 20 pounds for the first leg of my Strip Set Curls. I was hoping to do 25-20-15-10. Talk about feeling like the 98 pound weakling all over again. But I still flex in the mirror and think I look great. I'll be brought down to reality soon, I'm sure.
My weight is back down to 171 lbs after being up to 173 last week. I am eating pretty well, but still not enough. I like the snooze alarm more than I like getting up to prepare lunch for myself.
Oh, well. I've learned a lot. I'll be much better when I start all over again.
Keep Bringing it!
Day 78: Final Plyo! Swing Kicks and Heisman's No More!
On one hand, I was happy that a break from the killer routine was forthcoming.
On the other, I'll miss the feeling of accomplishment when I finish it every Tuesday.
It was a great workout, and I really felt it with the Mary Catherine's.
And any day without Ab Ripper, is a day to rejoice!
Day 77: Dumbells for the Dumbbell! Arms Rejoice!

That's what I'm talking about! Okay, I was first enamored with the BowFlex SelecTech Dumbbells, but they start at $400 and they are kind of cheap feeling. These babies are solid and they take up little space (another important factor) and don't look out of place at my place.
They have their faults. I can't switch the plates that quickly, so the pause button is gettign a workout, and if you aren't careful you can accidentally "pick up" an extra plate or two and then have it promptly drop on your foot (or worse, your hardwood floors!).
Anyway, I told you last week I was done with the bands. I figured I'd wait until my next go around, but the opportunity was there and I'm looking a t a good tax refiund, so I bit the bullet and got them for a decent price. I also wanted to have some mention of using dumbbells on this blog for people looking for advice on what to do. I still like the bands for certain exercises and I think they are a great option for the road warrior, but I felt that my overall development was stagnating due to lack of progression with heavier weights.
So how were they? First of all, my motivation went sky high. I was already pumped because I am so close to finishing the 90 days, but this put me over the top. I had to learn some of the moves all over again, but it was worth it.
The first thing I learned is that my estimates of the band weight were awful. All my numbers went down. This is the best thing about using the dumbbells, knowing where you stand and being able to really adjust the weight. The bands are too ambiguous, with you foot and the band length being different almost every time. I also felt like I was really getting a burn.
I "brought it" for Ab Ripper X as well, feeling invigorated (and excited that I only have three left!).
Anyway, I'm a happy X'er! Keep Bringing It!