Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 82: Kenpo to the Max!

Yeah. That's what I'm talkin' about.

Saturdays continue to be my favorite day (besides the fact that I can sleep in) because Kenpo is such a fast and enjoyable workout.

I think my intensity and my form was pretty good. I did get a little sloppy in the end, but I made myself stay in the Horse Stance for the duration and resist standing upright a bit during blocks and punches.

I still don't know if I could actually punch anyone, but I feel pretty confident that I can protect myself if needed. Of course the reality that another fist would be coming towards me might make me a little less confident, but for now I am a legend in my own mind!

I am pretty sore today. I've been using the Recovery Drink and my Whey Protein Isolate after every workout but I'm still sore. I think it's because of the Dumbbell switch. Worth it, though, and there is something to be said for feeling like you worked out.

Week 13 coming up! Keep Bringing it!

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