Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 89: Yoga Finale. Namaste.

It took the entire three months to fully appreciate what Yoga has done for me. As much as I hated doing the program, my development here is unquestioned.

I am more flexible.

I am stronger.

I have a solid core.

I have better balance.

I have mental durability.

Thank you, Yoga X.

My last real workout was excellent. I improved the one leg/half moon leg killer. (Thanks for the tip , Jeff! My leg was still dead and I had to take a break, but only one on each leg. It was intense, but satisfactory.

I rocked the balance postures.

I was almost perfect with Crane.

My hamstring flexibility was excellent. I could completely grab the Yoga block (horizontally- not vertically) without having my legs bend even the slightest.

I did "Ohms" as long as Tony!

Yoga, I'll appreciate a break from you, but I don't hate you!


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