Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 19: He's got Legs! And he knows how to use them! (Sort of)

This was harder than the past two weeks I've done this. My legs were a little more tired and I was breathing pretty hard. I had to push the pause button a few times, but I did see some improvements:

I did 16 & 15 Reverse Grip Pull Ups! (This is huge for me! Up from 13/13 and 10/10 Previously)
I did 11 & 10 Wide Grip Pull Ups! (Up from 8/7 and 6/5)
I did 9 & 5 Closed Grip Pull Ups (Up from 7/7)
And I actually did 6 Switch Grip Pull Ups. I don't know how I did them, but I managed to do two and then switch grips and go again. I couldn't do any the past two weeks (I could do two and then fell when I tried to switch).

So this is progress.

I also was able to do most of the Fiefer Scissors in Ab Ripper.

This was all good news.

Now the bad: I feel better, stronger (we can rebuild him!), but I still don't feel I look any better. I don't think I am eating correctly at all. There is too much dang preparation. I think I might try just doing a bunch of meal replacement bars. I bought a bunch of Bell Peppers for $1 each on sale and I haven't used them. I just figured out that I can cut them up and freeze them, so that will help, but I just hate planning meals.

I've forced myself to eat many times a day as opposed to once, but I still have the abdominal flab. I've even dropped my Dr Pepper intake from 3-6 a day to 2-5 a WEEK. I want to look better after 30 days and I only have 9 days left. My weight has fluctuated from as low as 179 to as high as 184.

At least my rangers won tonight! More tomorrow!

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