Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 34: Kenpo ROCKS!

I love the Kenpo.

Once again, Ibrought the intensity and it felt great. It is a fun workout and I can bring it with pleasure. It's one of those empowering workouts that makes you feel stronger and more confident.

I got a free heart monitor by buying two Minute-Maid Enhanced Juices (check it out HERE).

My resting heart rate has improved a lot since I started this program. I am definitely in the best shape of my life (well, almost. I still have a bit of flab around the gut, but I am much better cardiovascularly! Uh, is that a word?)

I was in "the zone" for a good amount of the workout, but I am going to have to work on it a bit more. It's been a good work. I like this better than the first phase, and I look forward to the stretch tomorrow. I hope to get my pictures up soon.

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