Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 44: Plyomaniac Strikes Again!

I brought it and I brought it big time!

I did feel it a little more after this workout, but I think it's because I was so frustrated with the day before that I was ticked off at myself.

I again managed to keep up with Dominic and I didn;t hit the pause button nearly as much as I usually do. It helped that I was in a time crunch, so I didn't have a lot of time to mess around. The intensity was there and I worked it.

My legs are killing me.

I love the Sports Bonus round, but I don't feel it there like I do everything else.

I lost another couple of pounds as I am down to 177 lbs (from 179 yesterday) and I feel good about myself.

I had a night meeting and it was next door to a great chinese Restaurant that I smelled through the entire presentation. I felt guilty about not having the will power to ignore it. I ordered curbside-to-go and took home some Kung Pao Chicken.

I know.

I only had about half of it (until I finished it on Wednesday!) so I don't feel that bad. I've been living on Power Bars and other Protein replacement shakes and bars. I indulged and it was good.

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