Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 32: Yoga! I Survived The Twisting Triangle Pose!

For this report I am just going to give myself grades. They are on a bell-curve, of course!

Part 1: Vinyasa's (Spelling?) This is the first time I did Upward Dog and not Cobra. I made it through almost all the poses, but I did pretty much bail on the last stage of the workout (The "Stand-on-one-leg-for-what-seems-like-a-million-hours" pose.)

Part 2: Balance Poses: I kicked butt. I did "Tree" without falling once on my left leg and just once on the right. I managed to do the Royal Dancer and I was able to hold my leg with both hands and keep the horizontal pose. Yeah, baby! I did "Wheel" for a little bit, but still felt more comfortable in "Bridge". I did "Crane" for the first time and I did "Plough" without breathing difficulty. My favorite part of the Yoga program (besides the end where I almost fall asleep in the "Corpse" pose.)

Part 3: Stretching: I notice a big difference from week one. I can now almost use a yoga block stretching beyond my feet. If I bend my knees slightly I can do it, but that doesn't count. I can feel the flexibility. I almost matched Tony in "Ohms" length.

Anyway, a good day. More to come soon!

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