Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 23: Core Synergistics: Recovery Week My ABS!

Any lingering fantasy of a relaxing vacation week was blown up in Rambo-like fashion today as Core Synergistics came in and kicked my ABS (and every other part of me!)

I couldn't do a lot of this. I had to watch, rewind, watch, rewind, move into a bigger workout room (Not that I had that choice, but Tony had us all over the place. He obviously didn't get the memo that I was in a limited space for my workout room.

Walking Push Ups? You have got to be kidding me.

Stack Foot Stagger Hand Push Ups? Is that an exercise or a dance move?

Sphinx Push Ups? Ancient Egypt is ruined for me!

Superman-Banana? Leaning Crescent Rolls? This is the first exercise vid that made me hungry from the titles!

Plank to Chaturanga Run? Good luck with this one! Holy Cow!

Lunge-Kickback-Curl-Press is as hard as it sounds, and I only used 3 pund hand weights!

Reach High AND Under Push Ups? (mommy!)

I did kick butt at Towel Hopping and Steam Engine.

Finally: The Dreya Roll! Be careful, I almost rolled into a wall!

Tip of the day: The person demonstrating the "Squat Xpress" with the Bands (I don't have weights) is a woman. If you are a guy and you try it, BE WARNED!

Anyway, here's my YouTube vid:

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