Friday, February 29, 2008

Week 6 Review: Houston, We Have a Problem!

Sort of.

I felt really good for most of the week, but I didn't eat very well. It's not like I had junk food, but I ate too much of everything, tossing the whole "limited portions" thing out the window. I also am completely convinced that Mucle Milk is making me gain weight (which might be the point- I should really read the label!) and not muslce.

It was disappointing that I was back up to 179 lbs at the end of this phase after the week before I was down to 175. It's hard to convince myself I am not worried about the scale when I go through the routine of weighing myself every day. Glutton for punishment?

I like this phase better than phase 1. This is mainly because I am in better shape and can do "Dmore physically, but also the routines didn't have as much of the "Do one set now and then when your limbs are hanging limp from your body do them again!" mentality.

There were also less push-ups.

Or maybe I've gotten better at pushups? Who knows, but it is a good program, and I thank those who commented that they see some improvement from Day 1 to Day 30. I have a critical eye of my own development and I was expecting more. But if I look closely, I admit that I can see definition in areas that I have never had before.

I am still loving this program. For a person like me, I need a strict schedule to adhere to and I need to see some results. My heart rate is doing really well and my cool Body Fat scale says I have the body of a 20 year old!

(Well the next day it said I was 30, but it's finciky that way!)

More later. Sorry I am behind in my posts! I haven't missed a workout, though!

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