Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 51: Core Synergistics = Core Improvements!

I was not looking forward to this due to my neck. Right before I started the workout I was feeling it when I tried to turn my head. It seems that my sleep last night was the worst thing I could do. My neck was killing me in the morning and I felt like I was right back where I was on Saturday as far as pain and discomfort go.

But I slapped on some "Icy Hot" and I felt great during the workout (I didn't take Aleve or Advil so I could feel it if I was in pain!). For the second day in a row I actually felt better doing a workout than I did not doing one.

The program has definitely increased my overall stamina, strength and flexibility. I could handle pretty much everything much better than I did during the last recovery week. I skipped the "Dreya Rolls" for obvious reasons (I didn't think rolling to a neck stand was a smart thing to do in my condition!) but I didn't feel any pain after the neck rolls in the warmup.

I like the look of my abs and my waist. I am seeing improvement. I don't look like one of the guys in the video, but I am healthy and strong. My scale tells me I am 17 years old, so I'll take that any day!

This week will be interesting, that's for sure. I'll be headed out to celebrate a birthday on Thursday night, so another restaurant meal. I'll have another on the 15th, but that should be about it as far as meals out for a while.

I hit 13% body fat today. Cool.

The home stretch is just around this corner. I'm ready to "bring it" home!

More later.

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