Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 54: Core Synergistics (um, recovery?)

Just when you think you are lucky to have this nice break, Core Synergistics rears it's ugly head and comes down on you like Judge Judy on a Jay Walker. I think I was a little distracted this time, compared to Tuesday, and my neck was bothering me a bit. I got it done. I did skip the Dreya Rolls again, but there was no way I could do them in my condition. I did awesome on the Plank to Chataranga ISO Hold as I matched the people on the vid. I also did well in the Over-Under Push Ups. I finished strong in this one, and I can see the results as I am stronger every day.

I feel good. It's nice when you start seeing results. It makes it worthwhile. I haven't missed a workout yet, so I'm going to keep bringing it as I head into phase three on Monday!

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