Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 62: Kenpo Kicking the Pizza Calories

My weekend of Caloric Discontent began in fine fashion with two oversized slices of Greasy-goodness filled Pizza. It was worth it, but I needed to bring it even harder today for Kenpo. I burned about 900 calories, so I hope that covered it. Of course I had half a slice after the workout so I am definitely not in good food mode, but I have dinner out tonight and then I am home free!

Sort of.

Anyway, I was on fire during the workout. I was a bit self-conscious due to relatives int he house, but I still brought the intensity. My mother worried about whether my breathing was okay as it sounded to her like I was hyperventilating. I tried to explain that it was a Jab-Cross-Left-Uppercut combo move. She looked at me like I was speaking Japanese. And she's been to Japan.

This too shall pass!

I still love the Kenpo!

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