Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 69: Rubbernecking

That's what my neck felt like, anyway.

It was a great stretch. I am still sore from Legs and Back on Friday, and the Kenpo probably didn't help.

One of the stretches (the tricep stretch) tweaked my neck and it started to bother me a bit. I took some Aleve and I feel better now.

I can use the yoga block (horizontally, not vertically) during the hamstring stretch, which is amazing. My flexibilty has increased dramatically. I used to be flexible, but when I started this program, I was unable to reach much past my toes without severe discomfort.

I have a new nickname for Phil. "Passive Aggressive Phil", as he ignores Tony who tells him that he is going to do the wide stance Arm Stretch, and then he promptly does what everyone else is doing as a kind of "I can do it the hard way!". Kind of funny!

I made myself do this at 8:00 AM, which was a great start to the day. I need to make myself do this early in the morning more often.

Tomorrow will be my challenging day. No pull-up bars, and not much resistance weight. Any suggestions on how to manage this? Still debating between doing half and finishing on Tuesday, or trying to make do with what I have.

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