Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 74: Restless Leg Syndrome?

I love those commercials for this ailment. My legs felt restless all night, but I didn't want to workout. I am hoping some rest this weekend will get me motivated again, but right now I am struggling to push myself to workout each day. My workouts get later and later.

Anyway, this workout hurt (in a good way). I felt guilty about the lack of motivation and the fact that I ate a whole can of soup tonight, so my stomach was a bit bloated. I'm sure the scale will show it tomorrow. My calories burned was an impressive 936, so hopefully I made up for the bad food day.

I have never looked forward to the Recovery Drink as I did tonight. My body was screaming, especially my legs.

Another investment for the next round: Gloves! I'm just ripping my hands apart at the seams doing Pull-Ups. It's preventing me from pushing too far beyond my goal rep. I'm sure I'll need them if I get Dumbbells as well.

I knew I was in trouble when I could barely stand after exercise number one: The Balanace Lunges! Yikes.

But just like writing, I like having worked out (Writers say: I don't like writing; I like having written!") so I am basking in my modest glory right now. So much so, I even caught up my blog for the first time in a long time.

The home stretch is coming. Kenpo tomorrow, Stretch on Sunday and my last resistance week starts on Monday. Time has flown by!

Keep Bringing it!

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