Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 73: Yoga- How Do You NOT Do A Push-Up Into Downward Dog?

That's the question that has been bugging me forever.

Tony always compliments me on doing pushups from Vinyasa into Downward Dog, but I have no idea how to Not do it. I am sure if there was an easier way, I would take that route, so I really want to know! (Just Kidding!)

I procrastinated like crazy. My motivation is down this week. Work is stressful and I am tired. I don't know why I am having such a difficult time getting motivated, but I always do the workout.

My balance was off again. It was kind of frustrating, especially because I had been doing so well until the past two Yoga sessions.

I did do well in the non-balance areas of the workout, so it wasn't a total loss.

Keep Bringing it!

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