Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 57: The Votes Are In! P90X Delivers!


I hated Mondays during the first phase.

I loved it tonight. It was awesome.

I improved to the point I was laughing at my old self. I jumped at least 5 reps in almost every category. I could do all the pull-ups and Push-ups without pain. I paced myself and still had room for the second round. I didn't hate it at all.

Well, I still kind of hated Ab-Ripper, which I think is the primary suspect in my neck injury case. I felt it tighten a bit during this routine, but I was unwilling to skip even one part of it. I'll let you know tomorrow if that was a wise or stupid decision!

I was doing more reps than some of the people onthe vid.

I do need more weight. I've given up hope of having dumbbells for this first time through the program, but I will have them for the next round for sure!

Awesome day. I also couldn't believe how much different and stronger I looked in the mirror. It was like a whole new me. I am pumped like Hans and Franz! (Yeaj, I put on the grey sweatsuit and put pillows in the sleeves!) Serioulsy, I look ten times better. This program works. Best decision ever. I can't wait to take my day 60 pics! (Although there are issues with the pictures. I'll explain someday, but I'm just focusing on the program now.)

Keep Bringing it and thanks for reading!


HABS said...

way to go! I'm still right behind you I'm on day 48 and going strong. I too have seen good results and am proud of the work I put in, as you should be! Speaking of proud, both the Habs and the Rangers are looking good! Lundquist was unbelievable last night! Keep it Up!
HABS / Chris

HABS said...

Congrats on all the hard work and the great results. I follow your blog daily and am right behind you(day 48)
I've also had great results and am feeling good about it! I've even tried to do a modified doubles routine that includes extra cardio!
You should be proud of your Rangers too! Lundquist is on top of his game! Who knows maybe we'll nmeet in the playoffs, I want to win that extra Abripper back!

HABS said...

Sorry about the extra post(s)! Computers are not my thing!

P90XtremeTorture said...

I was waiting for you to comment again! I was waiting for a deserved needling after the Habs embarrassed us when they came back. It's definitely playoff atmosphere!